Lex Hollenbeck

Online Strength Coach

  • 💪 Graduated with a Masters of Science in Exercise Wellness

  • 💪 NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach

  • 💪 ACSM Certified Personal Trainer with more than a decade of experience training clients of varying levels of fitness with diverse training goals

  • 💪 100s of hours working with ASU Sport Performance strength coaches, including hands on experience coaching, programing and training D1 and Olympic athletes

  • 💪 Former Personal Training Coordinator, managing, teaching and certifying trainers through the National Academy of Sports Medicine



1 Hour Group Sessions range from 75-85

Online Programing: FREE

Online Coaching: 15 per month

Individualized Programs 650

Fitness Assessment = Free! Schedule now!

Movement in any form is medicine. It doesn’t mater what you do. I just want to be the coach that helps you move. Move: the best, the most, and for as long as possible.



-Aaron, D1 Track Athlete

“The entire program and coaching style was designed specifically for me, not just for my sport. It fixed my weaknesses and compensations. Lex’s attention to detail in every movement made me a better athlete, and his approach to injury prevention allowed me to complete my first injury free track season in 5 years.”


-Laura, 42 year-old Female

“I’ve been working with Lex for the past 3 months and continue to be impressed with the programs he designs for my fitness level and health goals. Trainers I’ve had in the past pale in comparison to the expertise and inspiration Lex brings to each session. He is outstanding at coaching my form with reminders throughout each exercise to make sure I’m working the right muscle groups and avoiding injury no matter what your fitness goals are, rest assured Lex will help you get there!”


-Jay, 32 year-old Male

“Lex has given me a consistent program that has shown results almost immediately. He is clearly knowledgeable in all forms of exercise and has the education and credentials to back it up. I’d recommend him to anyone looking for professional training.”


Coaching Philosophy

Throughout my undergraduate studies I competed in Track and Field and Cross Country for my college, but as much as I loved running I always had a passion for the weight room. Exercise in any form, (running lifting basketball etc) is one of the most tangible examples of growth and placidity. That's one thing I love about fitness, with objective outcomes you can easily track your progress and watch your hard work and consistency result in personal records. Health and Wellness to me embodies growth mindset and affects every part of life.